Sunday, January 11, 2009

what? It is December?

So where did all of the time go?
I finished my first semester and didn't even write about it!
It was crazy...
I don't even know what else to say about it.
So far so good on the grades, my work is paying off.
But there are still grades to be seen.
Maybe I will keep up with this thing more this semester.

Friday, August 22, 2008


So they weren't lying about the intensity...

School started this week, at least the Legal Reseach and Writing class did. We are going a hundred miles an hour. it is INSANE, but awesome!

I never thought I would be excited with the prospect of the citation manual olympics!

I love being in the library and researching, there are so many cool books!

Everything is moving fast now, I hardly have time to relax, hopefully things won't be this crazy once I get the hang of it, the other night we had a 230 page reading assignment for the next day!

Just in this one week though, I feel Ihave learned so much.

All I know is, I'm gonna be real smart yall!


Gotta go study.

Cases to brief!

Facts to exploit!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Boston and its talent

Listen closely to this gem. He is singing a JT song, brilliantly I might add.
This was taken in the T in Boston last week. After he was finished I encouraged him to try out for America's Got Talent, but he told me he was too good for that crap.
At least you all get to see it...

Starting out

I am jumping on the bandwagon (like 6 years late), and starting a blog.

I will most likely blog about law school, and the new words that I am learning.

Such as, promulgate.

This is a promulgation of the beginning of my new blog. These things may end up desideratum for my sanity(and vanity).
